ArsDigita Community System Documentation
For everyone:
And if you're a programmer, the ACS 3.2 developers' guide to ACS 3.3 and beyond
For people using the ACS to build and operate a website:
For engineers working on the development of ACS packages, both inside and outside ArsDigita:
For systems integrators:
/doc/patches -- documentation of patches/fixes to the ArsDigita Community System (ACS) on this site; useful when you are upgrading and when we are building a new version of the system
/doc/custom -- documentation of custom features that you've added to this site that will/can never be rolled into the ACS.
The Glorious Future
Here we link to plans that are in the works; it is a collaboration area for ACS programmers.
Copyright and Legal Status of this Software
This software is mostly Copyright 1995-2000 ArsDigita Corporation and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (June 1991).