; for the ACS Bookmarks System [ns/server/yourservername/acs/bm] ; optional, defaults to main site owner SystemOwner= ; main page title SystemName=Bookmarks System ; text decoration for dead links DeadDecoration= ; text decoration for folders FolderDecoration= ; text decoration for bookmarks invisible to the public HiddenDecoration= ; background color of folders FolderBGColor=#f3f3f3 ; background color of files BookmarkBGColor=#ffffff ; size of largest bookmarks file permissible to upload MaxNumberOfBytes=2000000
ReturnHeaders ... ns_write "..."
which streams out to the user to show that progress is being made.
The idea of storing bookmarks on the Internet rather than on your hard drive is not a new one. Several sites already serve this purpose:
However, this is ALL the sites really provide, whereas with ACS a person's bookmarks become part of a user profile that includes contributions across all modules.