Display Settings

part of the ArsDigita Community System by and

The Big Picture

This module allows the site administrator to set the most commonly used CSS ( Cascaded Style Sheet) properties and the Logo for the site. It currently employs a simple version of CSS that supports only the options to choose fonts, background color, font color, link color and link underline status. Although it limits how much one can do with css, it should suffice for most practical purposes. As explained in the future improvement section, we are working on a data model to support a more complete version of CSS.

The Medium-Sized Picture

This system consists of two tables. css_simple table holds the css_properties of the site that can be set by the administrators together with the scope information.Using this table makes writing user friendly css forms possible.

create table css_simple (
        css_id                    integer primary key,
        -- if scope=public, this is the css for the whole system
        -- if scope=group, this is the css for a particular group
        -- is scope=user this is the css for particular user
        scope                     varchar(20) not null,
        user_id                   references users,
        group_id                  references user_groups,
        css_bgcolor               varchar(40),
        css_textcolor             varchar(40),
        css_unvisited_link        varchar(40),
        css_visited_link          varchar(40),
        css_link_text_decoration  varchar(40),
        css_font_type             varchar(40)

alter table css_simple add constraint css_simple_scope_unique 
unique(scope, user_id, group_id);

alter table css_simple add constraint css_simple_data_scope_check check (
        (scope='group' and group_id is not null and user_id is null) or
        (scope='user' and user_id is not null and group_id is null) or

page_logos table stores the log that can be displayed on every page

create sequence page_logos_id_sequence;
create table page_logos (
        logo_id                 integer primary key,
        -- if scope=public, this is the system-wide logo
        -- if scope=group, this is the logo for a particular group
        -- is scope=user this is the logo for a particular user
        scope                   varchar(20) not null,
        user_id                 references users,
        group_id                references user_groups,
        logo_enabled_p          char(1) default 'f' check(logo_enabled_p in ('t', 'f')),
        logo_file_type          varchar(100) not null,
        logo_file_extension     varchar(50) not null,    -- e.g., "jpg"
        logo                    blob not null

alter table page_logos add constraint page_logos_scope_check check (
        (scope='group' and group_id is not null and user_id is null) or
        (scope='user' and user_id is not null and group_id is null) or

alter table page_logos add constraint page_logos_scope_unique 
unique(scope, user_id, group_id);

Legal Transactions

From the Site Administration pages at /admin/display the site-wide administrator can go to

/admin/display/edit-simple-css in order to set

/admin/display/upload-logo in order to

Future Improvements

Right now, the system only supports a simple version of CSS which restricts the administrator to set style selectors for his/her site. It will be augmented by a more complete version of CSS module which will allow the administrator to set any selector-property-value combination for the site. We are working on a unified version of a data model which will provide the flexibility of the complete version and the easy interface of the simple version.