Custom Software
added to this installation of the ArsDigita Community System
Major new systems, especially those that are highly specific to a site and that will never be part of the ArsDigita Community System, should be documented here. Particular attention should be paid to describing the hooks into and out of the core ACS software. This will make it easier to upgrade the site to a newer version of the ACS software. For detailed guide on how to write an ACS module, take a look at writing-a-module.html.
Here's how you add a standalone module to the ACS:
- put the SQL data model in /doc/sql/module-name.sql
- put an HTML file explaining how to configure and use the module in /doc/module-name.html
- put the user scripts in /module-name/
- put the module administrator scripts in /module-name/admin/
- put the site-wide administrator scripts in /admin/module-name/
- put commonly called procedures in the private tcl directory (/web/yourdomain/tcl) as module-name-defs.tcl
- if your module results in content being posted to the site, write a procedure to interface to the new stuff system and put it in your defs.tcl file, along with some in-line code to add it to the ns_share'd variable
- write a procedure to interface to the /tcl/ad-user-contributions-summary.tcl system (similar to the new stuff system but for stuff you want to show up on the /shared/community-member.tcl and /admin/users/one.tcl pages)
- add a note in this file saying that you've done these things
Added the FAQ module (/doc/faq.html)
Added the press release module (/doc/press.html)
Added the Navigation Bar module (/doc/navbar.html)