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ACS Documentation : ACS Installation Guide : Getting Started and Getting Help

Getting Started and Getting Help

This document will guide you through the process of configuring an ArsDigita Community System web server from scratch. You begin with a blank computer system and end up with a fully configured community-based web site. Here is a time estimate for each stage of the installation.

Stage Time Estimate
Red Hat 6.2 30 - 60 minutes
Oracle 8.1.6 4 hours
AOLServer 3.0 30 minutes
ArsDigita Community System 3.3 30 minutes
Total 6 hours

As you work through these instructions, try to understand what each step means. If you get stuck, try to backtrack to a point where you knew what to do. You may encounter some problems at some points. If you need help, it is available. Check for messages about your problem at the web/db Q/A forum. If you can't find your answer there, feel free to post a message. ArsDigita also offers support contracts. Please see the ArsDigita services page for more information.

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part of the ACS Installation Guide
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